Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Empire Magazine Audience

Empire magazine is a magazine that publishes film news, including reviews, and is one of the largest on the market. The majority, 68%, of Empire's audience is people in the ABC1 socio-economic group, which usually consists of occupations with a relatively high pay and position within society, spanning from the upper middle class to the lower middle class. My audience doesn't fall into this, as it is more aimed at students, which would fall under the E group, but that's not to say that higher groups won't take interest in my film review. The average age of Empire readers is around 30 years of age. Mine doesn't fall into this, as mine is more aimed at people aged 13 - 17. However, through the use of similar conventions as Empire, such as professional images and layout, I may also interest older people as well. The majority of Empire's audience is males, making up 76%. My magazine film review is targeted at this gender, so using some of the conventions that Empire uses may help me further appeal to them.

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